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FTP Settings

What is FTP?
File Transfer Protocol a.k.a. FTP is used to transfer documents from your hard drive to Sea-Ex. FTP is the easiest way to manage files in your allocated area. This includes uploading, downloading, deleting, moving, renaming your files and creating/deleting directories. You may obtain and use the FTP client of your choice. A selection of FTP clients for both Mac and Windows users can be downloaded from Tucows.

How do I use FTP to upload my web pages?
The following settings apply to most stand alone FTP clients such as WSFTP, Cute FTP, Fetch FTP, etc. Do not confuse these settings with those required for browser based HTTP publishing. There are several tutorials for specific FTP clients which can be found in the "FAQ and Tutorials" section. Please review them before requesting assistance.

Insert the following settings in your FTP client:

Host Name/Address:
Host Type: Unix (standard)
User ID: the ID you chose at sign up
Password: the password sent to you at sign up (unless you changed it of course)
PASV/Passive Mode: Must be turned on or checked

Do NOT enter any other information beyond this. There is no need to enter a directory name or full path; the above settings will automatically place you in your base directory.

Viewing your web page

To view the page you just uploaded, use the following URL in your web browser: (available about an hour after joining)

  • Substitute MemberName with your Sea-Ex MemberName
  • Substitute filename with the name that you gave your file.

Tips & Suggestions
1. HTML Filenames are case sensitive.
  • We recommend you upload your files in lowercase only.
  • When you write your html files, be sure and refer to any image or other html files in lowercase also. Your HTML and actual filenames must match exactly, in order for your page to display correctly.
2. MemberNames and Passwords are case sensitive
  • Remember that your User ID and Password are case sensitive and you must enter them exactly as shown on your Welcome email. For eg. if your membername is "joe", entering JOE will not work. This also applies to your password, and the names of any files you upload. All are case sensitive.

If you have questions or problems with FTP to your Sea-Ex account, you may contact us Please note that we cannot provide direct support for individual FTP clients. If you require detailed help in using a specific client, please contact the technical support department of the softwares' authors for assistance. Contact information can normally be found in the softwares' help files.

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